For further information on the concept of TIFD and an explanation of the plan to develop TIFD, please refer to:
Recording of TIFD’s First Global Meeting (July 2022)
Recording of TIFD’s Second Global Meeting (November 2022)
Summary Report of Small Group Discussions on the Terms of Reference for a TIFD Technical Working Group (December 2022)
Here are additional recommended resources on inequality as a systemic risk and what investors and businesses can do about it.
Katherine McDonnell: Epistemic injustice and remedy: Can BHR ever really ‘centre’ rights holders? (June 2023)
Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI): Managing Human Rights Risks: What Data do Investors Need? (December 2022)
Rights CoLab: What is DEI? Market Signals of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (August 2022)
The Business Commission to Tackle Inequality (BCTI): Tackling Inequality: The Urgent Need for Business Action (June 2022)
Todd Cort, Stephen Park, Decio Nascimento: Disclosure of Corporate Risk from Socio-Economic Inequality (March 2022)
The Business Commission to Tackle Inequality (BCTI): Tackling inequality: An agenda for business action (May 2023)
The Investment Integration Project (TIIP): Introduction to Racial Inequity as a Systemic Risk: Why Investors Should Care and How They Can Take Action (June 2023)
The Investment Integration Project (TIIP): Using Systemic Stewardship to Address Income Inequality (January 2022)
The Investment Integration Project (TIIP): Income inequality: one of the major systemic challenges of our time (June 2021)
The TIFD Interim Secretariat will host dedicated information sessions for organizations and individuals who are not yet Allies and want to learn about TIFD. During these online sessions, the TIFD Interim Secretariat will provide an overview of TIFD - its impetus, goals, anticipated approach, and timeline, and what it means to be a TIFD Ally. Time will be allotted for participants to ask questions and provide comments on the TIFD plans. For more information or to sign up for a forthcoming meeting, contact info@thetifd.org or fill out this form.